Public Integrity Unit

The primary responsibility of the Public Integrity Unit is to ensure the principles and policies of the Lexington Police Department are being upheld. The unit serves as a mechanism for internal accountability by receiving, processing and investigating complaints or commendations concerning police conduct.

To file a complaint or compliment about a Lexington Police employee you can use our online form, contact LFUCG's Citizens' Advocate  or you may call (859) 258-3625 during regular business hours. 

What to expect when you file a complaint

If you would like to save a comment form for later, please use this printable form.

Informal Complaints

An Informal Complaint is taken from any individual alleging misconduct of any police officer and does not require a signed affidavit or possible testimony before the Urban County Council. Informal Complaints received by the Public Integrity Unit are forwarded to the officer’s bureau for investigation. After a review of the factors and circumstances, it may be determined that the officer(s) acted properly, that the issue was a matter to be resolved in court, or that the officer(s) acted improperly.

In situations where an allegation is sustained, the police department works to resolve the issue with the complainant and addresses the matter with the officer through coaching and counseling or possible referral to the Public Integrity Unit for further investigation as a formal complaint.



Lexington Police Department supervisors investigated 146 Informal Complaints involving 173 allegations. Once the investigations were completed, 130 of the allegations were either unfounded or it was determined the officer conducted themselves properly. One complaints had insufficient evidence to move forward. The remaining 13 allegations were sustained and determined that the officer acted improperly, were resolved with the citizen, were referred to the Public Integrity Unit for formal charges, or counseling was issued.

2023 Informal Complaints Involved Allegations of:
BWC activation/deactivation 2
Courtesy 6
(Poor) driving behavior 21
Improper use of force 5
Inappropriate action 19
Misconduct 12
Mistreatment of persons in custody 3
Questioned arrest 6
Questioned investigation 47
Questioned report or citation 6
Racially motivated bias 4
Rudeness 35
Unsatisfactory performance 4
Honesty 1
Violation of written or verbal department rule 4




















Lexington Police Department supervisors investigated 206 Informal Complaints involving 283 allegations. Once the investigations were completed, 239 of the allegations were either unfounded or it was determined the officer conducted themselves properly. Ten complaints had insufficient evidence to move forward. The remaining 34 allegations were sustained and determined that the officer acted improperly, were resolved with the citizen, were referred to the Public Integrity Unit for formal charges, or counseling was issued.

2022 Informal Complaints Involved Allegations of:
BWC activation/deactivation 3
Courtesy 6
(Poor) driving behavior 17
Improper use of force 13
Inappropriate action 59
Misconduct 11
Mistreatment of persons in custody 2
Questioned arrest 8
Questioned investigation 66
Questioned report or citation 11
Racially motivated bias 9
Rudeness 67
Unsatisfactory performance 7
Honesty 2
Violation of written or verbal department rule 2





















Lexington Police Department supervisors investigated 200 Informal Complaints involving 313 allegations. Once the investigations were completed, 269 of the allegations were either unfounded or it was determined the officer conducted themselves properly.  Two complaints had insufficient evidence to move forward.  The remaining 42 allegations were sustained, and determined that the officer acted improperly, were resolved with the citizen, were referred to the Public Integrity Unit for formal charges, or counseling was issued.

2021 Informal Complaints Involved Allegations of:
BWC activation/deactivation 1
Courtesy 17
(Poor) driving behavior 8
Gender bias (not sexual orientation bias) 1
Improper use of force 14
Inappropriate action 44
Misconduct 3
Mistreatment of persons in custody 8
Other 1
Questioned arrest 6
Questioned investigation 60
Questioned report or citation 14
Racially motivated bias 11
Rudeness 63
Sexual orientation bias 1
Unsatisfactory performance 16
Violation of written or verbal department rule 2





















Formal Complaints

A Formal Complaint is taken from any individual alleging misconduct on the part of any police officer, taken under oath in the form of an affidavit, signed and sworn to by the complainant and duly notarized. All formal complaints, whether generated from within the department or from outside sources, are investigated by the Public Integrity Unit (PIU).

2024 Formal Complaints

Date Filed PIU
Alleged Violation Filed
Extension Bureau / Section of Involved Officer Disposition Council Approved Discipline / Corrective Action


BWC Video 1

BWC Video 2 

Conduct Toward the Public and Conduct Toward Department Employees External N/A Bureau of Special Operations Unfounded N/A N/A


BWC Video 

Conduct Toward the Public and Conduct Toward Department Employees External N/A Bureau of Patrol Unfounded N/A N/A


BWC Video

Conduct Toward the Public and Conduct Toward Department Employees External N/A Bureau of Special Operations Unfounded N/A N/A
2/5/2024 2024F-008 Conduct Toward the Public and Conduct Toward Department Employees External N/A Bureau of Special Operations Unfounded N/A N/A
3/7/2024 2024F-005 Misconduct Internal N/A Bureau of Patrol Sustained N/A Resigned on 6/24/2024


BWC Video

Misconduct External N/A Bureau of Patrol Unfounded N/A N/A


BWC Video

Misconduct External N/A Bureau of Patrol Unfounded N/A N/A

2023 Formal Complaints

Date Filed PIU
Alleged Violation Filed
Extension Bureau / Section of Involved Officer Disposition Council Approved Discipline / Corrective Action
1/30/2023 2023F-001 Preventable Collisions Internal N/A Bureau of Patrol Sustained 3/23/2023 Written reprimand and two weeks suspension of home fleet
2/27/2023 2023F-002 Adherence to Laws, Regulations, and Orders Internal N/A Bureau of Investigations Sustained 6/15/2023

Two month suspension without pay and must attend Kentucky Post-Critical Incident Seminar

4/3/2023 2023F-003 Misconduct/Body-Worn Camera Procedures/Operation of Vehicles Internal N/A Bureau of Special Operations Sustained 7/13/2023 Two week  suspension without pay and six month suspension of home fleet
6/9/2023 2023F-004

Violating Any Rules of the Department / Personal Appearance of Sworn Officers

Internal N/A Bureau of Patrol Sustained 8/17/2023  Written reprimand
6/29/2023 2023F-005

Use of Alcohol, Illegal Drugs and Legal Drugs - On Duty

Internal N/A Bureau of Investigation Sustained 9/28/2023 Six month suspension without pay
7/11/2023 2023F-006 Violating Any Rules of the Department / Emergency and Pursuit Driving Internal  N/A Bureau of Patrol Sustained 10/12/2023 Two week  suspension without pay and 30 day suspension of home fleet
7/11/2023 2023F-007 Violating Any Rules of the Department / Emergency and Pursuit Driving / Operation of Vehicles Internal  N/A Bureau of Patrol Sustained 10/12/2023 Two week  suspension without pay and 30 day suspension of home fleet
7/11/2023 2023F-008 Violating Any Rules of the Department / Emergency and Pursuit Driving / Operation of Vehicles / Body Worn Camera Internal  N/A Bureau of Patrol Sustained 9/28/2023 Two week  suspension without pay and 30 day suspension of home fleet



Misconduct External  N/A Bureau of Patrol Unfounded N/A N/A
8/15/2023 2023F-010 Misconduct, Department Reports Internal N/A Bureau of Investigation Sustained 10/12/2023 One month suspension without pay
11/13/2023 2023F-011

Unsatisfactory Performance/Inefficiency – Emergency and Pursuit Driving  

Internal  N/A Bureau of Patrol Sustained 1/23/2024 Three month  suspension without pay and six month suspension of home fleet
12/4/2023 2023F-012 Conduct Toward the Public and Conduct Toward Department Employees External  N/A Bureau of Patrol Unfounded N/A  


2022 Formal Complaints

2021 Formal Complaints

2020 Formal Complaints