Video Management System

The Lexington Police Department uses video technology to aid in investigations, special events, critical incidents, and other public safety incidents. Video technology complements the department’s anti-crime strategy, helps effectively allocate personnel, and enhances public safety. The Video Management System (VMS) allows the department to view and record LFUCG traffic cameras and city-owned video system footage to improve public safety and aid in investigations. 

Register your cameras with Fūsus 

Fūsus is a software solution that supports a Real-Time Intelligence Ecosystem that unifies public safety assets, like Flock License Plate Readers, traffic cameras, and other cameras operated by private entities who opt-in.

There are two different ways for businesses, community partners, and residents who would like to opt in and help solve crime in Lexington to partner with the department.

Level 1 is to register their security cameras. Registering security cameras lets officers and detectives know there is a camera in the area and that they could have footage if an incident occurs. Registering cameras is free and completely voluntary. If an incident occurs, an investigator from the Lexington Police Department will contact the camera owner via email to look at the footage. Registering a camera does not give the police department direct access to camera footage.

Level 2 would allow businesses and residents to take community security one step further by giving the Lexington Police Department direct access to your camera feed in case of a nearby emergency. There is a cost to the camera owners to share direct access.

Anyone who would like to register a camera or learn more about how they can share access can do so at the link below.

Register a camera at 



Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government traffic cameras

The LFUCG traffic cameras are available for public viewing. Visit the link to view live feeds of the cameras.

Traffic Cameras

Hit-and-run investigations 

The heat map below shows hit-and-run collisions from January 2020 through December 2022, along with the locations of traffic cameras. The varying colors represent data points on the map. The colors change from blue to red to yellow, representing increased hit-and-run collisions in an area.  

With the traffic cameras being recorded, officers can request the traffic camera footage of the date and time of the collision through the Real-Time Intelligence Center (RTIC). This footage can help the officers see what happened and aid in identifying the parties involved. 

hit and run

Video management system policy

The Lexington Police Department has established a policy to guide the capture, storage and use of digital data obtained through VMS. 

View VMS Policy 

Video management system audits

Per policy, the Lexington Police Department conducts audits of the Video Management System. Audits can be found below. 

Oct 2023 - March 2024

Video management system frequently asked questions

What is Video Management System (VMS)?

Technology platforms used by the department to integrate video from multiple sources for the purpose of enhancing the delivery of public safety services.

What is the Real-Time Intelligence Center (RTIC)?

A centralized technology center that unites multiple resources to improve situational awareness and aids in the department’s response to and investigation of special events, critical incidents, and/or other incidents with a public safety interest.

Why is the Lexington Police Department using VMS and recording video footage?

The VMS will be used to improve situational awareness and aid in the department’s response to and investigation of special events, critical incidents, and/or other incidents with a public safety interest.

Who has access to the recorded video footage and how will it be used?

Access to recorded and live video is limited to authorized users determined by the RTIC Coordinator. Audits will be conducted to ensure users are accessing and utilizing the VMS in accordance with department policy and procedures. Authorized users shall not use, or allow others to use, the VMS for any unauthorized purposes. 

Lexington Police Department policy clearly outlines that using the VMS is for legitimate law enforcement and public safety purposes only. It is a violation of the policy to use the VMS or associated data for any personal purpose. 

The Chief of Police appoints the RTIC Coordinator.

When and how will audits be conducted?

Any requests for video footage by LPD personnel are submitted to the RTIC via a department request form. The video footage requested is stored in the department's digital evidence system. 

Any time video footage is accessed, it is tracked for audit control. Audits will be published on this website for public viewing. 

Audits of the VMS will be conducted twice a year by the RTIC Coordinator to ensure department employees are accessing and utilizing the VMS in accordance with the department policy and procedures. 

The Public Integrity Unit will be responsible for conducting an annual audit of VMS usage, to ensure department employees are only accessing and utilizing VMS technology for legitimate law enforcement and public safety purposes.

Audits shall be documented in writing and forwarded to the Chief via the chain of command. After review by the Chief, the audit and any associated documentation shall be filed and retained by the RTIC Coordinator.

The results of each audit will also be forwarded to both the Planning and Analysis Unit for accreditation purposes and the Public Information Office to be posted on the Lexington Police Department website.

How long is recorded video retained?

LFUCG traffic camera video footage will be held per the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives guidelines for 60 days. City-owned video system footage will be held per the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives guidelines for 30 days. Video footage that is part of a criminal investigation will be stored in our digital evidence management system. 

The LPD policy adheres to state guidelines. 

Where are the cameras located that will be recorded?

The cameras that will be recorded are current traffic cameras operated by Traffic Engineering and LFUCG-owned security camera system footage. Traffic Engineering determined the locations of the traffic cameras based on traffic patterns.  

LFUCG traffic cameras are available for the public to view. Visit the link below to see the locations and live camera feeds. 

Traffic cameras