Planning Resources

Accela Citizen Portal


A user-friendly, web-based platform that allows access to all land use and building permit activity.


Public Engagement Toolkit

Forged from hours of focus group conversations among neighborhood and development interests alike, the Public Engagement Toolkit (PET), was created to answer the question, “What constitutes ‘meaningful engagement’ within the development process?”

Public Engagement Toolkit

Other plans, studies, and surveys

Kentucky state law requires the Division of Planning to draft an update to the community's Comprehensive Plan every five years. Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan often indicates a need for additional small area plans or other types of studies or analyses as well. Find information here about the various plans, studies and surveys that guide growth and land use management in Lexington-Fayette County.

If you would like to receive information about the upcoming Comprehensive Plan process and other issues related to Long Range Planning, contact the Division of Planning.
