Collaborate With Parks

There are many ways for the community and organizations to engage with Lexington Parks & Recreation. Some of the most common ways is through a partnership, franchise league, or rental.

Partnerships help expand resources for recreation opportunities, improve service delivery, and enhance the amenities offered at our facilities. A partnership is a working relationship with another organization that has compatible values and goals that results in mutual benefits. The partnership may be formed around a single activity, event, or it could be long-term.

Franchises are leagues that use athletic facilities to host youth sports programs for the benefit of the community. Franchise agreements are long-term, contractual relationships. Services are sought for athletic venues and fields owned by Lexington Parks & Recreation and must serve the residents of Lexington and Fayette County.

Rentals provides opportunities for groups to rent a facility through Lexington Parks & Recreation. Whether it’s for a private or public event, for a small or large group of people, Parks & Recreation has a wide selection of indoor and outdoor facilities available for use.

Volunteering is a great opportunity for individuals or groups to leave a lasting impact on Parks & Recreation facilities, green spaces and programs. Volunteer activities can be short-term, such as a morning planting trees, or long-term, such as being a therapeutic recreation buddy for outings or classes.
