Utility and repair support programs


Financial assistance is available for residents who risk service disconnection due to delinquent LEXserv billing accounts.

Participants must meet 150% income of the annual poverty guidelines and experience one of the following: 

  • A 10-day shut-off notice (yellow letter from LEXserv)
  • Defaulted payment plan with LEXserv
  • Service disconnected due to non-payment
  • LEXserv service and is in collections

Who should I contact for an appointment?
Call (859) 300-5300 for an appointment. No walk-ins.
Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

What documents should I bring to my appointment?

  1. Driver’s license or picture ID (for everyone in the home18 years old or older)
  2. Social Security cards (for everyone in the home)
  3. Verification of entire household income (three most recent pay stubs, SSI/SSDI, child support, benefit award letter, etc.)
  4. Shut-off /default notice
  5. LEXserv bill
  6. Receipt for $56 reconnect fee, if applicable.

Sewer and landfill user fee program

Financial assistance is available for residents who participate in the sewer and landfill program. The program will pay a portion of the customer’s monthly sewer, water quality management fee, and landfill fee owed to LEXserv.

Clients must recertify each year to continue receiving monthly discounts.

Eligible clients will receive the appropriated financial assistance if funds are available.

How to make an appointment?
Call (859) 300-5300 for an appointment. No walk-ins.
Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

What documents should I bring to my appointment?

  1. Driver’s license or picture ID (for everyone in the home18 years old or older)
  2. Social Security cards (for everyone in the home)
  3. Verification of entire household income (three most recent pay stubs, SSI/SSDI, child support, benefit award letter, etc.)
  4. LEXserv bill

Sidewalk replacement assistance program

Qualified low-income owner-occupied properties may receive a 100 percent grant for the reasonable cost of sidewalk repair and replacement for their residential property.


  • Code Enforcement issues a repair notice to the property owner
  • Potential clients must contact our office to schedule an assessment


How to make an appointment?
Call (859) 300-5300 for an appointment. No walk-ins.
Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

What documents should I bring to my appointment?

  1. Driver’s license or picture ID (for everyone in the home18 years old or older)
  2. Social Security cards (for everyone in the home)
  3. Verification of entire household income (three most recent pay stubs, SSI/SSDI, child support, benefit award letter, etc.)
  4. Code Enforcement notice to repair and/or replace the sidewalk
  5. Property deed
  6. Proof of occupancy

Street tree removal

Qualified low-income owner-occupied properties throughout the urban services area may receive a grant to remove trees that pose a threat to public safety. This program is for trees located between the street and sidewalk. 

Property owners who qualify can participate in the street tree removal program.


  • The Urban Forestry Department will refer clients to Community and Resident Services.  
  • Potential clients must contact our office to schedule an assessment.

How to make an appointment?
Call (859) 300-5300 for an appointment. No walk-ins.
Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.

What documents should I bring to my appointment?

  1. Driver’s license or picture ID (for everyone in the home18 years old or older)
  2. Social Security cards (for everyone in the home)
  3. Verification of entire household income (three most recent pay stubs, SSI/SSDI, child support, benefit award letter, etc.)
  4. Property deed
  5. Proof of occupancy


Eligible clients will receive the appropriated financial assistance if funds are available.
