Stormwater Quality Projects Incentive Grant Program

The Stormwater Quality Projects Incentive Grant Program provides financial assistance for water projects. These projects must improve water quality, reduce stormwater runoff and educate citizens about our community's stormwater and water quality issues.

Three types of grants are available: 

  • Class A Neighborhood
  • Class B Education
  • Class B Infrastructure

Class A Neighborhood

Neighborhood Grants provide funding for projects such as:

  • Rain gardens
  • Rain barrels
  • Aeration systems for retention ponds
  • Stream bank restoration
  • Neighborhood workshops
  • And other projects that help improve or manage stormwater through education or physical improvements

Fayette County neighborhood, community and homeowner associations incorporated with the Commonwealth of Kentucky representing single-family homeowners or farms are eligible to apply for these grants.

Learn more

Class B Education

Education Grants provide funding for projects such as:

  • Developing stormwater-related curriculum for schools
  • Publicity campaigns about water quality
  • Workshops for the public
  • And educational rain gardens

Businesses, schools, churches and non-profits located in Fayette County that pay the Water Quality Management Fee are eligible to apply for these grants.  

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Class B Infrastructure

Infrastructure Grants provide funding for infrastructure projects that improve water quality, such as:

  • Stream restoration
  • Constructed wetlands
  • Bio-retention
  • Rain gardens
  • Rainwater harvesting
  • And previous pavement installation

Businesses, schools, churches and non-profits located in Fayette County that pay the Water Quality Management Fee are eligible to apply for these grants. 

Learn more

Sample projects

Check out some of Lexington's past projects on our map 

Ways to contact the staff

If you have a question, comment, or concern please reach out to

Frank H. Mabson Jr.
Program Manager Sr.
(859) 367-4942 office 

Denice Bullock
Administrative Specialist Principal
(859) 425-2580 office 

or email us at DWQ Incentive Grants.
