Education Stormwater Quality Projects Incentive Grants


Class B Education Grants provide funding for projects such as:

Developing stormwater-related curriculum for schools

Publicity campaigns about water quality

Workshops for the public

And educational rain gardens

Businesses, schools, churches and non-profits located in Fayette County that pay the Water Quality Management Fee are eligible to apply for these grants.  

If you're new to the grant program and looking for ideas

These templates may help you find ideas that work for your project.

School rain gardens 

Mass marketing campaign 

Service learning project 


Businesses, schools, churches and non-profits located in Fayette County that pay the Water Quality Management Fee are eligible to apply for these grants. 

Grant Award

The maximum grant award is $40,000. For the first $3,000, no cost share is required. Above that, a 20% cost share is required. 

Where should applications be sent?

Nine hard copies and one digital copy of the application form with attachments should be sent to:

Frank Mabson
LFUCG Division of Water Quality
Incentive Grant Program Administrator
125 Lisle Industrial Ave., Suite 180
Lexington, KY 40511

Ways to contact the staff

Frank H. Mabson Jr.
Program Manager Sr.
(859) 367-4942 office 

Denice Bullock
Administrative Specialist Principal
(859) 425-2580 office 

or email us at DWQ Incentive Grants.
