Public hearing to discuss the 2024 Comprehensive Plan this week

Lexington’s Division of Planning will hold a public hearing to discuss the Imagine Lexington 2045 comprehensive plan Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023 at 1:30 p.m. at the Government Center, 200 E. Main St. 

Imagine Lexington 2045 will guide the city’s long-term growth and development. A draft of the document can be viewed at The plan centers around five themes: Building Successful Neighborhoods, Protecting the Environment, Creating Jobs and Prosperity, Improving a Desirable Community, and Urban and Rural Balance. Multiple public input opportunities have been held in the last two years to shape the plan. 

“The last two years of engaging our residents has culminated in this innovative and forward-looking document, which encapsulates Lexington's aspirations for the coming years. We believe that this plan will not only shape the physical landscape but also the social, economic, and environmental well-being of our community,” said Planning Manager Chris Taylor. 

The Planning Commission will vote on adoption of the plan at the hearing. 

More information about Planning and their services can be found at


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