Voting leave (VOTE)

All classified civil service employees, probationary employees and full-time unclassified civil service employees (with the exception of seasonal employees) who are scheduled to work when the polls are open on an Election Day are entitled to take up to four hours off work with pay to vote. Part-time employees may request up to four hours of leave without pay or with pay using any available vacation time to vote. Seasonal employees may request up to four hours of leave without pay to vote. The time off work to vote may be taken in the morning, noon, or afternoon and should be coordinated through the division director or immediate supervisor.

Because voting leave is a leave category, it does not count as hours worked for the purposes of calculating compensatory time and overtime pay.

State law provides that an employee can take up to four hours of leave without pay to vote.

KRS 118.035 Hours polls to be open -- Employees to be allowed time off to vote, to apply for or execute absentee ballot, and to serve or train to be election officer.

Code of Ordinances, Sec. 21-27. (h)(1) – Leave of absence (Voting leave)

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