Versailles Road Sections 1 & 2

The Versailles Road Corridor Study, completed in 2015, divides the 2.5-mile section from Parkers Mill Road to Oliver Lewis Way into six sections, primarily based on roadway geometry and surrounding land use. This division also helps facilitate the planning and funding of improvements into manageable projects. The first of these projects will extend from Parkers Mill Road to Mason Headley Road.

The plan incorporates many of the recommendations of the report, such as moving the sidewalks away from the edge of the roadway, constructing a planted median between Village Drive and Mason Headley, adding pedestrian features at Alexandria Drive and at Mason Headley, adding protected bike lanes and reducing vehicle lane width to encourage traffic calming.

The link below provides conceptual plans and drawings of these improvements. Final design and right of way acquisition was to be completed by early 2020. Construction is anticipated to begin in summer 2020 with the goal of being completed by the end of 2020.

Conceptual Corridor Plan

Conceptual Detail Drawings 
