Safety City – What to expect

Depending on your travel arrangements, we can start the day at 9 a.m. or 9:30 a.m. and end the day at 11:30 a.m. or noon, two and half hours after arriving. If you need to arrive later or leave earlier, let us know.

We will cover safety topics ranging from fire, traffic, pedestrian, school bus and bicycle safety in the first half of the day. We will schedule a 30-minute lunch break for your students. If the weather permits, we take the students outside after lunch to drive the mini-cars and apply their knowledge. Restroom visits should be made prior to class times with two students at a time visiting the restroom.


We request that schools provide a bagged lunch for their students. Lunch will be held in the classroom.

Special needs students

Please make us aware of any children with special needs such as broken arm, hearing impairment, inability to speak English, A.D.D. or other circumstance. Please provide an aide to assist students in a wheelchair around Safety City. 

Schedule a visit
