This program is managed by the Lexington Police Department to provide student interns with an understanding of the operations of an exceptional law enforcement organization. Interns participating in the program receive a high-quality learning experience through observations, tour briefings and patrol ride-along.
Information for interested students
What intern opportunities may be available?
Students who complete internships with the Lexington police department gain credit through observation of police operations in various services. For each service, they are paired with an intern observation supervisor responsible for facilitating their learning experience. Based on intern interests, program availability, and agency need the intern may have an opportunity to observe units in the bureau of investigations such as robbery, homicide, forensic services, and property crimes among others. Additionally, the interns are paired with traffic and patrol officers to participate in vehicle ride-along during regular shifts on regular beats. Interns may also have an opportunity to learn about the bureau of special operations units like air support, mounted, emergency response, hazardous devices and canine.
How long are internships and when are they available?
Generally, internships are for one term and the schedules correspond with school calendars for summer, fall and winter terms.
How much credit can be awarded for successfully completing an internship?
That determination is made by each specific college or university requirements in consultation with Lexington police department.
Am I eligible?
The minimum eligibility criteria include:
- current enrollment in a field study class with a college or university
- ability to pass criminal and background checks
- availability of transportation
- recommendation by the academic advisor
What is the selection process?
Lexington police department will review student applications and make selections. In addition to the minimum eligibility criteria listed above, selection criteria include:
- verbal and written communication skills
- professional conduct
- evidence of a strong desire to learn and succeed
Each student applicant will be notified of the decision, whether selected or not. We will schedule a registration/orientation meeting for those students selected for an internship
Who pays for what
Lexington police department is unable to compensate interns. All expenses are borne by the intern.
Will lexington police department grade performance as an intern?
Grading policy is the responsibility of each specific college or university. Our participation in that process will be to certify that you have successfully completed your intern commitments with us.
How many interns are involved?
Space is limited and may vary from class to class. It is unlikely that a class size will exceed six interns.
Will I need a car
You must provide your own transportation. The sites for some observation opportunities are not well served by public transportation.
How do I get my questions answered?
Please email