Lexington is home to a vibrant, active LGBTQ+ and ally community. We are proud of everyone who lives, works and plays in Lexington. Lexington is proud of you, and you should be proud of Lexington. Be LexProud!
This page is dedicated to providing LGBTQ+ related information and resources. The Mayor's office has a dedicated staff member to represent and serve the LGBTQ+ community in Lexington. For additional information or questions, contact the Mayor's Office at (859) 258-3100.
In 2024, we celebrate 25 years since the passage of Lexington's Fairness Ordinance, the first county-wide all-inclusive Fairness Ordinance in Kentucky.
City actions supporting LGBTQ+ residents
Many steps have been taken to make Lexington more LGBTQ+ inclusive and fair. Here are a few of those steps:
- 1999 – Fayette County was the first in Kentucky to pass a county-wide Fairness Ordinance, protecting residents against housing, employment and public accommodation discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
- 2013 – Lexington adopts domestic partner benefits for city employees.
- 2017 – Crosswalks at the intersection of Limestone and Short Streets are painted in a rainbow pattern, the first of their kind in Kentucky.
- 2019 – Lexington commemorates the 20th Anniversary of the Fairness Ordinance, flying a Pride flag in the Government Center and holding a celebration ceremony.
- 2019 – For the first time in city history, Lexington flies Pride flags along Main Street for the Lexington Pride Festival. This has continued each year since.
- 2019 – The Mayor appoints the city's Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index Workgroup, which is dedicated to recommending actions to improve LGBTQ+ related policies and ordinances.
- 2020 – Additional non-discrimination language is included in the contract agreement with city contractors.
- 2021 – City unveils a refreshed and brighter design of rainbow crosswalks at Limestone and Short Streets.
- 2021 – Lexington begins utilization of all-gender signage for city-owned, single occupancy facilities.
- 2021 – Lexington passes a ban on conversion therapy for LGBTQ+ youth.
- 2022 – City launches the LexProud campaign, encouraging residents to be proud of themselves and of their City.
- 2024 - Celebrating 25 years of Kentucky's first county-wide, all-inclusive Fairness Ordinance.
Lexington is home to the first historical markers dedicated to LGBTQ+ history in the state of Kentucky. The three markers relay the history of the city's Fairness Ordinance, the Bar Complex and the historic Wasson court case.
Human Rights Campaign Municipal Equality Index
Each year, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) evaluates over 500 cities from across the nation on the policies, laws and services being offered to the LGBTQ+ community. This analysis is used to produce the organization's Municipal Equality Index (MEI) report. HRC is the largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for LGBTQ+ Americans.
Lexington has been evaluated by HRC every year since 2013. Below, you will find links to review each year's rating and how our city has continued to progress and provide LGBTQ+ supportive policies and laws. Since 2021, Lexington has received the highest ranking of cities in Kentucky. In 2023, Lexington ranked tenth in the nation (top 2%) and fourth highest among cities in surrounding states.
History of Lexington HRC MEI scores
Mayor Linda Gorton's Municipal Equality Index workgroup
In 2019, Mayor Gorton appointed a group of Lexington residents and LFUCG staff to review the city's HRC MEI scoresheet and explore ways the city could improve policies and laws to better support the LGBTQ+ community. Members include:
- Councilmember Susan Lamb
- Councilmember Liz Sheehan
- Commander Matthew Brotherton, LFUCG Division of Police LGBTQ+ liaison
- Tim Burcham, President, Burcham Solutions Group
- Craig Cammack, Mayor's Community Outreach liaison/LGBTQ+ liaison/Deputy Director of Communications
- Arthur Lucas, LFUCG Diversity & Inclusion officer
- Wanda McCants, President, Lexington Pride Center
- Tuesday Meadows, Former Chair, Lexington Fairness
- Sherita Miller, LFUCG Minority Business liaison
- Brandl Skirvin, President, JustFund Kentucky
- Carmen Wampler-Collins, Executive Director, Lexington Pride Center
- JR Zerkowski, Diocese of Lexington LGBT Ministry
The group focused its work on five categories: Non-discrimination laws, municipality as an employer, municipal services, law enforcement, and leadership on LGBTQ+ equality.
LGBTQ+ community resources
Below are organizations that support or provide services for the LGBTQ+ community.
Bluegrass Community & Technical College Alliance
Bluegrass Rainbow Faith Communities
Catholic Diocese of Lexington LGBT Outreach Commission
Fayette County Public Schools LGBTQ Advisory Committee
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission
University of Kentucky LGBTQ+ Resources
*Note: Being listed on this page does not represent support or endorsement from the Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government.