Board of Architectural Review

The Board of Architectural Review holds public hearings to review applications for exterior changes to properties located in any of the Local Historic Districts (H-1 Overlay Zone) requiring a Certificate of Appropriateness Permit.


Bylaws Coming soon

Meeting schedule and location

Meetings are scheduled for the third Wednesday of each month.

Agendas and related documents for the next BOAR meeting are provided.

2024 Dates

Jan. 17
Feb. 21
March 24
April 17
May 15
June 12
July 17
Aug. 21
Sept. 18
Oct. 16
Nov. 16
Dec. 24

All meetings are held in Council Chambers at 200 E. Main St., at 4 p.m. Meetings are also broadcast live on LexTV.

Meeting schedule with application deadlines
