Transportation and parking at the government center

If you are visiting the government center to conduct business with the city in person or to attend any meetings, work sessions or to visit a department, here is how you can get here.

The Government Center is located at 200 E. Main St.

Take a bus

You can find a LexTran route to get you here. The Lextran Transfer station is a three-minute walk from government buildings.

Find LexTran bus route


Visitors conducting business with the City of Lexington can park in a metered street spot or the Helix Garage (156 E. Main St.).


If parking in the Helix Garage, paper tickets can be validated for 50% of the parking fee. Government Center and Phoenix building security can validate tickets on the first floor. LEXServ can also validate parking tickets. There are no validations for the Transit Center garage at any time.


There are bike racks in front of government buildings.