City responsibilities

Traffic management within Fayette County is largely the city’s responsibility.  Traffic Engineering is responsible for:

  • Timing and maintenance for all traffic signals, beacons, lane use controls and solar -powered crosswalk signals.
  • Design, installation and maintenance of all traffic control signs along city-controlled public streets and intersections.
  • Design or review of all new or changed pavement markings.
  • Review of development plans with respect to traffic impacts, traffic circulation (in and around the development) and parking lot layouts.
  • Review of traffic control plans and issuance of lane closure permits for any type of activity that restricts passage along streets and sidewalks.
  • Establishing appropriate speed limits for and implementing other traffic management measures on city-controlled streets.
  • Adjusting traffic patterns to account for planned and unplanned events such as concerts, collisions on major roads or sporting events.

Traffic is managed to maximize safety while balancing the needs of all travelers – drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.

Who maintains what roads?
