Punctuality and attendance

Employees are hired to perform important functions at the city. As with any group effort, operating effectively takes cooperation and commitment from everyone. Therefore, attendance and punctuality are very important. Unnecessary absences and lateness are expensive, disruptive, and place an unfair burden on fellow employees and supervisors. We expect excellent attendance from all employees.  Generally, if employees are over six (6) minutes late, they are considered tardy. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness will result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal. 

We do recognize however, there are times when absences and tardiness cannot be avoided. In such cases, employees are expected to notify supervisors as early as possible, but no later than the start of the workday. Employees should call, stating the reason for the absence or tardy and its expected duration. Unless otherwise understood by the initial call, notification to the supervisor shall be made for every day of absence.

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