Paid parking

The city provides parking to employees who work in the downtown area. The three parking garages the city uses (Transit Center, Helix Garage and Courthouse Garages) are managed by LexPark.

Employees with the Lexington Police Department who need parking downtown shall go through their division. All other employees who need parking downtown shall fill out the parking agreement form found on General Services’ webpage and return it to general services, located on the 4th floor of city hall.

More information on parking, including but not limited to frequently asked questions, is available on the Parking webpage.

Garage access

The Transit Garage operates on a gateless system and no parking cards are assigned. The employee should simply pull up to the gate and access should be granted. The other two garages (Courthouse and Helix) use a gateless system but cards are still assigned for these garages. If the gate does not raise, employees should hold the assigned parking card in front of the card reader located on the right-hand side of the control system and entry should be granted.

If an employee's access is not granted for any garage, or the employee's card doesn’t work, press the intercom button in the upper right corner. This will connect you to LexPark and they will have direct access to the gate(s).

Registered employees parking in the Transit Center may park in any available space. If the Transit Center is full, park in the Helix Garage and have your paper ticket validated by security. Any unregistered vehicles need to be reported to General Services and the paperwork completed so that no citation is issued. It is the responsibility of the employee to report this information.

Note: Only one registered vehicle per employee will be allowed in the garages at one time. Any additional cars will receive a citation even if they are in the system.

LexPark operates the garages downtown so for concerns and questions, use the intercom at the gates or contact LexPark at (859) 231-7275 or

For questions regarding the issuance of parking cards or concerns/complaints that have not been resolved by LexPark, call the city’s parking coordinator at (859) 258-3901.

Parking validations

If an employee needs to park downtown for work and does not have an assigned parking card, parking is available in the Helix garage (parking validations are no longer available at the Transit Center garage).

A paper ticket will be presented upon entry to the Helix garage. Take the paper ticket to the security desk, at either the 1st floor of the Government Center or the 1st floor of the Phoenix building, and identify yourself as an employee by showing your government ID. Security will validate the parking at 100%.

Any division that has visitors should instruct their guests to park at the Helix garage. Paper ticket should be taken to the security desk where they will be validated at 50%.

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