LFUCG-issued email addresses and phone numbers

Added Aug. 9, 2021

It is the public’s expectation that LFUCG is available, open and responsive. Therefore, in all cases, employees are expected to respond to emails and phone calls received from other employees within LFUCG, as well as from the public, within a reasonable timeframe and upon their return from leave. 

LFUCG-issued email addresses and phone numbers, including landline and cellular phone numbers, will be made available to the public when requested and will be published on LexLink and the city website, when applicable.

Employees away from their desk shall forward their LFUCG-issued landlines to their LFUCG-issued cell phones or to another LFUCG-issued phone number, such as their division’s front desk, and/or provide that contact information in their voicemail greeting.

Employees on leave shall send automatic replies to email messages and use an out-of-office voicemail greeting. Out-of-office messages shall include the date the employee is expected to return and alternate LFUCG contact information for urgent matters.

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