The bur oak is now Lexington's official tree. In late 2017, Lexington's Tree Board invited the community to vote for Lexington's official tree from three finalists that thrive in the Bluegrass region: bur oak, Shumard oak and Chinkapin oak. The bur oak won by a landslide.
About the bur oak
Bur oak trees once dominated prairies throughout the Bluegrass region of Kentucky. Its spreading crown and giant fringed acorns – the largest acorn of all North American oaks, characterize this stately tree. Native Americans used bur oak acorns to treat various maladies and as a food source. The state co-champion bur oaks reside in Bourbon and Woodford Counties, with diameters of 8.1 feet. Bur oaks can reach 80-100+ feet in height and may live for hundreds of years. Learn more about the mighty bur oak.
I have seen oaks of many species in many kinds of exposure and soil, but those of Kentucky excel in grandeur all I had ever before beheld.
John Muir