Electronic Billboards Subcommittee

A subcommittee of the Planning and Public Safety Committee appointed to review potential impacts of electronic billboards in Lexington.


Draft legislation to go before the Planning and Public Safety Committee that would allow electronic billboards in Lexington. 

Scope of work

  • Take a holistic approach in reviewing all aspects of electronic billboards
  • Develop policies, guidelines and legislation
  • Survey comparable cities
  • Review national statistics
  • Consider input from constituents
  • Research potential impacts to the coimmunity

Subcommittee expectations

Provide the Planning and Public Safety Committee with periodic updates and make a final recommendation to Council.

Subcommittee members

Kathy Plomin, 12th District – Chair
Josh McCurn, 2nd District – Vice-chair
James Brown, 1st District
David Kloiber, 6th District
Jennifer Reynolds, 11th District

2021 Meeting Schedule

Future meeting dates for this subcommittee TBA.