Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOG) -- business


Fats, oil and grease (FOG) from local food service establishments is a major problem for our sanitary sewer system. The Division of Water Quality devotes many equipment and man hours to unstopping and cleaning manholes, pump stations and sewers lines clogged with grease.  For this reason, we require food service establishments to install grease interceptors to minimize the FOG that enters the sanitary sewer system. 

Lexington's FOG Program requires all food service and preparation facilities to have a FOG Permit or waiver. If you have questions about the FOG Program or the application, please contact us at FOG@lexingtonky.gov.

FOG Permit Application


FOG Ordinances

  • Section 16-43 (2)  Materials forbidden to be discharged into public sewer
  • Sec. 16-44  Grease and oil interceptors when required
  • Sec. 16-44.1 Special grease and oil interceptor permit

Search the LFUCG Code of Ordinances
